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Fun Facts

I really enjoy art! That is why I picked up an art minor in college for fun. Any time I have a chance, I like to visit museums or look at street art in the local area. Also, I love alternative music and dubstep. When I have some free time, my friends and I mess around with DJ equipment make beats for fun!

About Me

I am a senior Biology major with an art minor at Bellarmine University. I have been on the Dean's list for 6 of the 8 semesters I have been college. I am currently in the process of looking at physician assistant programs (PA school) in Kentucky and surrounding states.


In high school, I was in the top 10% of my graduating class and a member of the National Honor society. I had the opportunity to tutor students at my high school and surrounding middle schools through various programs. In college, I have maintain my love of helping others (hence why I am trying to go into healthcare). I have volunteered as a science tutor in college for multiple upper level biology, chemistry, and biochemistry classes.


Growing up, I came from a single parent home and my mom struggled to stay on top of the household. However, she never quit pushing me to do well in school. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't have accomplishment as much as I have now. As a tutor, I want to keep up my mom's encouragement and push others to do well in school. Everyone, no matter the circumstances, can be the best!

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Bellarmine University


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Homework Coach Tutoring

Any science major is difficult and requires a lot studying. The library on campus has become by second home. But all the time I have put into studying has paid off and I am currently in the top of my graduating class!

Anatomy Physiology I Tutoring

I am currently in a senior gross anatomy courses working with human cadavers. I have also taking regular anatomy physiology classes and received A's in all of those courses.

Anatomy Physiology II Tutoring

I am currently in a senior gross anatomy courses working with human cadavers. I have also taking regular anatomy physiology classes and received A's in all of those courses.

Arts Tutoring

I have been around art my whole life. That is why I decided to pick up an art minor in college. I have taken 6 college art courses in college ranging from art history to studio classes. I have received an A in all of the courses.

Biology I Tutoring

As a senior biology major, I just the basis of biology in every upper level class that I take.

Biology II Tutoring

As a senior biology major, I just the basis of biology in every upper level class that I take.

Microbiology Tutoring

Microbiology is one of the required courses that I have had to take as a biology major in college. It is a required course for molecular biology that also had to take. I really enjoy bacteria!!

Nutrition Tutoring

As freshman student in college, I was for sure what I wanted to do. So I switched to nursing for a semester and I had to take a fundamental nutrition course. I really enjoyed it and I made an A.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Reading is critical for basically any class you take. Being a science major, I have had to have great reading skills to follow complicated directions in lab experiments. I also love to read fiction novels in the summer for fun!

Religion Tutoring

Bellarmine University is a Catholic liberal arts college. As a requirement, I have had to take two theology courses and multiple interdisciplinary courses with an emphases in religious studies.

Study Skills Tutoring

Any science major is difficult and requires a lot studying. The library on campus has become by second home. But all the time I have put into studying has paid off and I am currently in the top of my graduating class!

Writing Tutoring

I have taken multiple english courses in college that has required a lot of writing. I have also taken a few courses that has required huge research projects with a lot of writing. I have done very well with writing while in college and have made an A- or above in all of the writing related courses.

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