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Megan M.
High School/College Writing and Nursing  
Belmont University

Fun Facts

I very much enjoy reading and Harry Potter has been my favorite book series of all time since the second grade. I love film/television shows--my new obsessions are the series Stranger Things and the film Ex Machina (please do yourself a favor and watch these!) I also love to write, specifically fiction and to dance in my free time.

About Me

I am originally from the suburbs of Boston and moved to Nashville in 2012 for college. I graduated in May of this year from belmont">belmont-university">belmont">Belmont University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Magna Cum Laude and in the top 10% of my class. Currently, I am a registered nurse working in the CCU at Southern Hills Medical Center. Next year I plan on attending graduate school for advanced practice nursing.


In college, I was in the Honors Program which consisted of many humanities classes and required completion of a thesis, therefore I have much experience with writing. With writing a thesis and completing numerous papers required for my nursing degree, I have gotten invaluable experience with scholarly and research-oriented writing, explaining why I would be a useful writing nashville">tutor. I peer tutored for nursing classes such as health assessment, medical-surgical nursing, and anatomy and physiology.


nashville">Tutoring has always been a fulfilling experience ever since 8th grade when I helped a younger student with Spanish. I truly enjoy helping others achieve their goals and seeing their improvement. I believe that everyone has the ability to reach their potential and to excel! Sometimes it just takes a little help from a nashville">tutor to show the student how to organize his or her thoughts, to pin down suitable strategies, and to push him or her to put in the best effort possible!

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Belmont University


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Anatomy Physiology II Tutoring

In college, I took both Anatomy & Physiology I and II which were both required for my nursing degree. In both classes I received an A. Additionally, I have some experience tutoring one of my peers in Anatomy and Physiology I.

Nursing Tutoring

I graduated with a nursing degree and took classes such as health assessment, adult health I and II, mental health, obstetrics, pediatrics, etc. I graduated with a cumulative GPA of 3.88 and a nursing GPA of a 3.96. I graduated within the top 10% of my entire class. I have experience in tutoring for health assessment, adult health I, and anatomy & physiology I.

Study Skills Tutoring

College was challenging for me, especially being a nursing major but I believe that having a good study routine and study skills set me up for success. Because of my study skills, I graduated in the top 10% of my entire class and with an overall GPA of a 3.88. As a tutor in this subject, I can help the student figure out a way to make their school work more manageable, whether it be by planning a study schedule or assisting with specific study strategies.

Writing Tutoring

Throughout college, I was in the Honors Program which consisted of many humanities/history classes. With these classes came frequent writing assignments; by writing so often I quickly developed strong academic writing skills which was reflected in the grades I received. My GPA for the Honors Program was a 3.73. Moreover, I also wrote a senior thesis, which was a great opportunity to complete my own research and to write a scholarly paper.

Writing Advance Tutoring

Throughout college, I was in the Honors Program which consisted of many humanities/history classes. With these classes came frequent writing assignments; by writing so often I quickly developed strong academic writing skills which was reflected in the grades I received. My GPA for the Honors Program was a 3.73. Moreover, I also wrote a senior thesis, which was a great opportunity to complete my own research and to write a scholarly paper.

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