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Taylor T.
Young Adult English & Business Tutor 
Spalding University

Fun Facts

I played Women's Golf at Spalding University, during my time there my team won 2 NCAA SLIAC Championships, and I won 1 individual NCAA SLIAC Championship. I also love to read and hike in my spare time!

About Me

I'm a graduate student getting my masters in business communications with a focus in organizational leadership. In my undergrad, I double majored in Business Marketing and Human Resources at Spalding University. I was a women's golfer here the past 4 years where I was captain. I am now a graduate assistant in our sports information department and co-head coach of our womens golf team.


I recently coached a PGA junior league golf team, which gave me a lot of experience teaching and working with kids. I also use to volunteer and teach children's ministry. I love any opportunity to work with kids and impact their lives.


When I was young, my parents and teachers always tried to make me learn things a certain way and it never really made sense. Towards the end of middle school I learned exactly how I understand and retain information. I want to help kids figure out their best style of learning.

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Spalding University

Business Marketing and Human Resources

Spalding University

Masters of Science in Business Communications

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Business Tutoring

I'm a double business major currently. However, I took multiple high school level business classes such as principles of business, business law, accounting, etc.

Arts Tutoring

I was a gifted and talented art student from middle school through my senior year.

English Tutoring

I took honors english classes through high school and I currently attend a liberal arts college. I've already taken level writing intensive courses in the past two years at Spalding.

Homework Coach Tutoring

Time management is one of my best skills. I'd love to help your child with effective homework and study skills. As a business major I am very goal oriented.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I received a 28 in reading on my ACT. In all my major classes they require a lot of text book reading and reading comprehension. I also just enjoy reading in my spare time.

Writing Tutoring

I've been through College Writing 1 and 2, since attending Spalding University. However, my business classes are all mostly writing intensive classes.

Study Skills Tutoring

Learning good study skills at a young age can set your child ahead of the game. Focusing and learning your best study habits is the best way to set your child up for success.

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