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Lloyd T.
Life Long Learner & Patient Teacher 
University of California at Berkeley

Fun Facts

I have a big passion for running. It's not just for physical health but for mental health as well! You'll see me waking up at 6AM so I can start my day off right. I am originally from Wisconsin but I am loving the California life. I just wish there was more cheese and good milk.

About Me

I am currently attending UC Berkeley studying Molecular Environmental Biology. I am apart of of the Kidney Disease and Awareness Program and volunteering with RockMed. I am on the pre-med track and hoping to attend UCSF and work back in my home town of Madison.


I have always been the go to for tutoring among my peers. During my Freshman year at college, I would host weekly meetups with my peers who were taking General Chemistry and help catch everybody up on homework and concepts. I hope to help you improve on your learning skills as well as having fun!


Learning is not just about absorbing concepts for the test to be flushed away. I view learning as building skills for critically analyzing and integrating the ideas from the world together. Through science and math, we can better interpret the world and make an impact. When I tutor, I look to start from the basics of material and build from the ground up in a linearly progression. Making sure that the students can engage and ask questions at any time is critical to their success.

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University of California at Berkeley

Molecular Environmental BIology

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