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Fun Facts

Family is one of the most important things to me and I have a pretty large family. My favorite things come from family traditions and interest. Although I am a woman I am a huge sports fan especially football,volleyball,and gymnastics. I've also always had an interest in performance arts and music.

About Me

I recently returned to school and completed my A.A. in Early Childhood Education,and the Early Childhood Education Certificate with Honors. I'm currently in school to finish courses to receive the Early Intervention Assistant certificate, and education/california/long-beach">Special Education Assistant certificate. I plan to return to Cal State Fullerton to complete my Bachelor's in Child Development and ultimately obtain my Master's in education/california/long-beach">Special Education Mild/Moderate. My goal is to open a daycare and a learning center.


I've worked in education since 2005 working in after-school programs as a tutor/mentor,running my family's in home family daycare,and most recently being able to tutor foster youth one on one.All the students in which I tutored reached their academic goals within 6months, and all long term daycare clients have gone on to achieve academic success at satisfactory to advanced levels. I've also worked directly with common core as a education/california/long-beach">Special Education Instructional Aide the last 5years.


I believe children growing up in this generation have the potential to be great leaders, entrepreneurs, doctors, or whatever they want to be and more. I strive to build their confidence and excitement to learn so those things can manifest in their future. I understand everyone learns differently and aim to appeal to each individual student and their learning style. Additionally I serve as a mentor and support for both students and parents, as well as provide organization and testing strategies.

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California State University--Fullerton

Child Development

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Algebra Tutoring

Algebra was my favorite math in high school. The challenges heloed me to become a better critical thinker. I want to help students become less intimidated by math. My goal is that students not only learn but retain how to effectively since algebraic expressions and equations.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I struggled with getting homework done and turned in on time while in school. With the help and support of my mother as well as other mentors i developed skills to keep me organized. My goal is to pass on ygise skills and more.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Algebra became my favorite type of math after having a great Pre-Algebra teacher. I want students to not be so intimidated with the subject and give them the tools that can carry on to Algebra and further.

Study Skills Tutoring

As i got older I understood how work habits are directly connected to good study skills. I hope to pass along tools that will be helpful in and out of the class.

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