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Fun Facts

I have a passion to learn about the world I live in and am an avid reader. I like to incorporate my interests in science fiction into my lessons whenever possible.

About Me

I am originally from Connecticut and graduated from the connecticut">University of Connecticut with a B.A. I have a major in English Literature and over 30 credits in Psychology. I moved to Texas about six years ago.

My ultimate goal is to help children feel successful in school through positive reinforcement and encouragement. I think 90% of the battle is self-confidence. Once a child knows they are capable of mastering a subject they develop the motivation to do so.


I have worked with children for over ten years, three of which, as a teacher for Fort Worth ISD as a 5th-grade math and science teacher. I have tutored for over four years in math, science and reading. My students do show a measurable increase over time with my tutoring sessions. I have so much pride in the achievements my students have made over the years and truly enjoy having a positive impact on their success.


For my first session, I evaluate students, discuss goal-setting and materials, look at STAAR scores and records. This really helps create an individualized plan specifically tailored to your child's needs. I do request that students continue working on tutoring concepts outside of tutoring sessions so, they get the reinforcement necessary to master important skills. I truly want what's best for the students so I work with parents to create incentives to keep motivation up.

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University of Connecticut


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Elementary Math Tutoring

Elementary Certified Math and Science Teacher

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