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Fun Facts

I love hiking and long walks. Being out in nature is very wonderful, and sometimes time a pack of coyotes came up toward me in a wildlife reserve! In a nutshell, the wildness is never never boring. That's for sure!
Although I am not a Physics or Chemistry major, I am fascinated by the innovations going on in those two fields in super-heavy elements and M-theory. I find it incredible that physicists say that there are 11 dimensions of reality, whereas we know of four.

About Me

I am a graduate from University of California, Irvine with a major in History. In also have taken several Spanish classes. I was on the speech and debate team in high school and junior college. I speak Spanish, English and Greek. My goal is to earn my Teaching Certificate and Teach at the middle or high school levels.

I have worked as a tutor at my junior college. I feel that I am well-qualified to explain academic topics in a way that makes sense.


I have worked as a member of the Family Learning Center in Long Beach, CA. I enjoyed helping students become more confident academically. I especially felt good about watching students overcome obstacles and do things that they could not do, such as completing a science projects or mastering long division.


I have a very clear outlook about what I do. The student determines what they want to cover. This is the student's time. All I do is facilitate learning. It's somewhat similar to being a midwife. This helps me deal with students that really may not want to be there, and turn situations around to minimize passive-aggressive behavior.

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University of California--Irvine


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College Algebra Tutoring

Have tutored this subject for years. Understand the basic reasons why things are done, not just how to pass a test. This being a fundamental class, I insist that students GET why they do what they do in algebra...

Elementary Statistics Tutoring

I took Elementary Statistics, and got an A in it. Had a hard time in class, and had to work really hard to understand it. Luckily, I worked with a group of people, and we all did well on the tests.

English Tutoring

I have take the sequence of three English classes:
first being writing expository essays,
second being English literature,
and the third being persuasive/argumentative writing.
In addition, I have taken an Asian literature and written papers analyzing literary works.

GED Tutoring

I have coached a lot of students in Beginning Algebra and Elementary Writing/Composition. I myself had a tough time learning to write a good paper, so I am VERY sympathetic to the struggle of writing well!

Geography Tutoring

Love geography! Would look at maps for hours as a kid and imagine what life would be like in these countries. I have lived overseas, and did kindergarten-3rd grade there. I returned to the United States for 4th grade, and have been here since.

Greek Tutoring

Am a native Greek speaker. Speak it with immediate family and relatives. I also go on the internet to watch Greek language films (I love "Kynodontas" aka, "Dogtooth") and TV shows such as "Kafe me tin Eleni."

History Tutoring

Always had an interest in the subject, and made it my major in college. Have a passion for the subject matter, in the sense that history is "the story of us all," and can help us make sense of the world.

History Advance Tutoring

I have a B.A. in History from the University of California, Irvine. I did UROP, which is independent study in history, and received $500 in grant money to do so.

International Studies Tutoring

I have taken: International Relations, History of China, History of Japan and Korea, completed my European History AP with a 5 without taking the class. Also have done research at my 4-year on contemporary European history.

Math Tutoring

I took Beginning Algebra in 9th grade, completed Intermediate Algebra at Orange Coast College with an A, and Trigonometry with a grade of B.

Political Science Tutoring

When I was in junior college, I started out as a political science major. I took all of the political science classes offered: intro to political science, international relations, and constitutional law. In addition, I interned with my local congressman for six months.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

While working at Family Learning Center, helped students "get" text, by having them read, and take good notes. Would use Socratic dialogue to engage viewers in the material.

Spanish I Tutoring

Took four years in high school, and sometime in my junior year, became truly fluent in the sense that I was finally able to hold conversations with native Spanish speakers. Also took a few classes for my undergraduate. Have translated in a work setting.

Spanish II Tutoring

I took 4 years of Spanish in High School, and several courses at my 4-year institution.

Spanish III Tutoring

I took 4 years of Spanish in High School, and several courses at my 4-year institution. In addition, I also speak Spanish at a conversational level.

Study Skills Tutoring

Have helped students take better notes by having them understand how to outline, and how to prioritize information. Also have helped students learned how to use the resources of a library, as well as how to do proper internet searches.

Writing Tutoring

Have helped students structure papers, write proper beginning and ending paragraphs (which is an art in itself) and encouraged use of clearer phrasing of what they want to say in writing.

Algebra Tutoring

Have tutored this subject for years. Understand the basic reasons why things are done, not just how to pass a test. This being a fundamental class, I insist that students GET why they do what they do in algebra...

Algebra II Tutoring

This was an unusually difficult class for me. That makes me especially qualified to tutor this class, because I took a special course at a junior college, in which I did not have a teacher. Instead, at a special math center, I did problems from a book and then took tests. If I had questions, there were several tutors that I could ask for help. Let's just say that I annoyed a lot of people when I wanted things explained. But that's all right, because I got an A in the class after all was said and done!

AP History Tutoring

I took AP U.S. History, Art History and European History. Passed all with either a 4 or 5. Ultimately, History ended up being my major, so this shows where my interests lay.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have worked with a lot of students in Pre-Algebra over the years, and this is a bread-and-butter course that all tutors do. Took it and finished it in 8th grade.

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