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Fun Facts

I'm a National Park enthusiastic. I've traveled more than 10 national parks from Crater Lake to Dry Tortugas National Park. I love to travel. My friends and I drove all the way from LA to Chicago last summer.

About Me

I'm a master student at Northwestern University studying applied math. For my undergraduate, I'm majoring in Math and minor in Econ. My goal is to live happily.


I have an tutor certificate I since I'm the tutor for both school and math department. I was also a TA for calc and linear algebra.


Guide students through concepts by using diagrams, textbook examples and detailed steps for solving problems and organize students from same class as study group.
Developed individual study plans for students
Provide feedback to instructor on ways to improve class quality

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Knox College


Northwestern University

applied math

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Chinese Tutoring

I'm a Chinese so I'm confidence that I can tech you well

Math Tutoring

I've been a math tutor since my sophomore year

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