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Kandic W.
Fun math,comp sci,Spanish and more tutor 
University of Texas in Arlington
High School

Fun Facts

A not so secret pastime of mine is working on cars. I love to get my hands dirty and see my work right in front of me.

About Me

I am a college student looking to help some people out with tutoring while still studying myself and this will be a great way for me to do that.


I have a high school diploma and soon to have a bachelors degree. I have taken many science/texas/arlington">computer science, math, and Spanish classes Along with the basic core classes.


I am new to tutoring but I plan to make things light and fun and create a healthy environment for learning to take place.

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University of Texas in Arlington

University studies

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C++ Tutoring

I attended prairie view a&I'm university where I was going for a computer science degree. I took many C++ classes as it was the required language.

HTML Tutoring

While in school for computer science I took an HTML class and have been studying solo for a few month.

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

This is software I use in my daily life.

Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring

This is software I use in my daily life.

Microsoft Windows Tutoring

This is software I use in my daily life.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

I have a high school diploma and on my way to a bachelors degree. I received excellent grades in grade school. Also kids love me! I don't pressure them I help encourage them to want to learn.

Spanish I Tutoring

I have a high school diploma and on my way to a bachelors degree. I received excellent grades in grade school. Also kids love me! I don't pressure them I help encourage them to want to learn. I have taken Spanish in middle school high school and now college.

Algebra Tutoring

I have a high school diploma and on my way to a bachelors degree. I received excellent grades in grade school. Also kids love me! I don't pressure them I help encourage them to want to learn.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have a high school diploma and on my way to a bachelors degree. I received excellent grades in grade school. Also kids love me! I don't pressure them I help encourage them to want to learn.

Spanish Tutoring

I have a high school diploma and on my way to a bachelors degree. I received excellent grades in grade school. Also kids love me! I don't pressure them I help encourage them to want to learn. I have taken Spanish in middle school high school and now college.

English Tutoring

I have a high school diploma and on my way to a bachelors degree. I received excellent grades in grade school. Also kids love me! I don't pressure them I help encourage them to want to learn.

Math Tutoring

I have a high school diploma and on my way to a bachelors degree. I received excellent grades in grade school. Also kids love me! I don't pressure them I help encourage them to want to learn.

Science Tutoring

I have a high school diploma and on my way to a bachelors degree. I received excellent grades in grade school. Also kids love me! I don't pressure them I help encourage them to want to learn.

Social Studies Tutoring

I have a high school diploma and on my way to a bachelors degree. I received excellent grades in grade school. Also kids love me! I don't pressure them I help encourage them to want to learn.

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