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Leah S.
Experience English, Reading & Writing Tutor 
Miami University--Oxford
Elementary School

Fun Facts

One great passion that I really have is to travel! Starting from a young age, my family and I have traveled all over the United States and I have even been so lucky to have gotten the chance to travel outside of the US. Some of my favorite memories are hiking throughout mountains with my family! I hope to one day be able to travel all over Europe!

About Me

My name is Leah Shaw and I am a first semester Senior at Miami University where I am majoring in AYA English Language Arts Education with the plan of one day teaching High School English. I cannot wait to have my own classroom full of students to teach! I am currently student teaching for freshmen in high school and gaining great experience!


As a member of National Honor Society in High School, I had the chance to tutor younger students in various subjects they were struggling in. As I enter college, I continued to tutor local High School students through a Service Learning program both my Freshman and Sophomore years of college. During my Junior year of college I have gotten the chance to not only continue tutoring high school students, but I have also been able to tutor younger college students once a week! I love tutoring others!


Throughout high school I found school to be challenging if it didn't always relate to my life or if I wasn't at all interested in it! As a tutor, and a future teacher, I feel lucky to have struggled a little bit because I now know how to approach possible struggling students. I know how to making learning fun and relevant and that is how I plan to teach and tutor students!

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Miami University--Oxford

AYA English Language Arts Education

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