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Fun Facts

I am avid golf player who will get out and play any chance I get. I also love the outdoors, and during the summer will frequently head out of DC to Potomac MD to go hiking. Kayaking on Georgetown waterfront is also a classic summer favorite.

About Me

I am a senior Economics major graduating in May 2017. I have a job as a financial advisor out of college and will begin my graduate career studying diligently for all of my licensing exams.


Although I have not had any formal experience in tutoring, I have spent a lot of time helping friends with homework. I also have experience in teaching as a Squash and Tennis coach throughout high school, and have developed skills in explanation because of it.


I have found that it is extremely important to not only understand an answer, but to understand each step of the process in getting an answer. My studies in economics, have made me an expert in this process, and studying with my friends has allowed me to develop skills into clearly explaining how to effectively get to an answer. For that reason not only will my clients understand why the answer to the question is correct, they will also thoroughly understand the process as well.

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George Washington University


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Economics Tutoring

Intermediate Microeconomics
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Financial Economics
Economics of the PRC
Game Theory and Strategy
Intro Microeconomics
Intro Macroeconomics
Economic Development
Government Regulation of the Economy
Business Stat II
Intro Business Stat
Trade Theory and Strategy

I have covered a variety of subjects in the economics discipline, and have studied diligently through my college career to make sure I understand them in depth. Because of this I have a very thorough understanding of basic and advanced economics, as well as speciality topics in the discipline.

Macro Economics Tutoring

Intermediate Microeconomics
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Financial Economics
Economics of the PRC
Game Theory and Strategy
Intro Microeconomics
Intro Macroeconomics
Economic Development
Government Regulation of the Economy
Business Stat II
Intro Business Stat
Trade Theory and Strategy

I have covered a variety of subjects in the economics discipline, and have studied diligently through my college career to make sure I understand them in depth. Because of this I have a very thorough understanding of basic and advanced economics, as well as speciality topics in the discipline.

Micro-Economics Tutoring

Intermediate Microeconomics
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Financial Economics
Economics of the PRC
Game Theory and Strategy
Intro Microeconomics
Intro Macroeconomics
Economic Development
Government Regulation of the Economy
Business Stat II
Intro Business Stat
Trade Theory and Strategy

I have covered a variety of subjects in the economics discipline, and have studied diligently through my college career to make sure I understand them in depth. Because of this I have a very thorough understanding of basic and advanced economics, as well as speciality topics in the discipline.

Math Tutoring

Intermediate Microeconomics
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Financial Economics
Economics of the PRC
Game Theory and Strategy
Intro Microeconomics
Intro Macroeconomics
Economic Development
Government Regulation of the Economy
Business Stat II
Intro Business Stat
Trade Theory and Strategy

I have taken calculus at a college level, and had to thoroughly understand high school level math to be able to accomplish this.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

Intermediate Microeconomics
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Financial Economics
Economics of the PRC
Game Theory and Strategy
Intro Microeconomics
Intro Macroeconomics
Economic Development
Government Regulation of the Economy
Business Stat II
Intro Business Stat
Trade Theory and Strategy

I have taken calculus at a college level, and had to thoroughly understand high school level math to be able to accomplish this.

Study Skills Tutoring

I am a diligent studier and understand productive study techniques.

Writing Tutoring

I have an a- average in the writing classes I've taken in college.

Algebra Tutoring

I have taken calculus at a college level, and had to thoroughly understand middle school level math to be able to accomplish this.

English Tutoring

I have an a- average in the writing classes I've taken in college.

Math Advance Tutoring

I have taken calculus at a college level, and had to thoroughly understand middle school level math to be able to accomplish this.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I have taken calculus at a college level, and had to thoroughly understand middle school level math to be able to accomplish this.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have taken calculus at a college level, and had to thoroughly understand middle school level math to be able to accomplish this.

Science Tutoring

I've taken AP biology and basic physics.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have taken calculus at a college level, and had to thoroughly understand elementary school level math to be able to accomplish this.

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