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Fun Facts

I was a mermaid with Ripley's aquarium and swam with sharks and stingrays on a regular basis. I have a love for the ocean just about as much as I enjoy travel. I studied abroad in Florence, Italy and was able to explore other countries while I was living there, and list only continues to grow!

About Me

I am a college graduate applying for my doctorate in clinical psychology. I plan to practice techniques of positive psychology and mindfulness in children and adolescents. Initially, interested in matriculating into medical school I received a Bachelor of Science in biology with specialization in cell and molecular biology. Including my other intellectual interests, I decided to minor in psychology and chemistry.


Through my experiences as a student, I have a strong foundation and understanding of multiple topics. I am aware of the difficulties students face throughout their education and personally have had to use different learning methods to supplement my education. In my own personal exploration, I have been able to tutor many peers as well as work as a Teachers Assistant in high school AP chemistry. I had the experience teaching younger children in an Italian preschool during my time abroad.


I use positive encouragement and an open minded learning method. As everyone learns differently, I value finding a learning method that works best for each individual. My compassionate attitude allows me to connect with my students to enable their strengths and natural abilities to improve their academics, I encourage students to value understanding rather than just to learn a topic.

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Coastal Carolina University


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Biology Tutoring

I have taken many biology courses with experience in high school and college levels.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have taken multiple math courses and assisted many students in understanding different way to solve equations.

Algebra Tutoring

I have worked with many different age levels of different degrees of mathematical subjects.

Math Tutoring

I have experience with math principles from kindergarten through high school.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I have worked with many middle school students to ensure understanding of math homework and enabling them to complete math problems without assistance.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I have always been an avid reader. I enjoy helping students, use different skills to improve overall comprehension

Science Tutoring

I have tutored in middle education scientific topics.

English Tutoring

I have many years of experience practicing different types of writing. I am capable of improving students understanding using proper grammar and pronunciation.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I use positive reinforcement and enable the student's strengths to use homework as a way to review what was learned that day.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have worked with younger children in learning the basics of mathematics.

Biology I Tutoring

My degree is in Biology, I have taken multiple courses.

Chemistry I Tutoring

In high school,I excelled through Chemistry and acted as a teacher assistant to Seniors taking all levels of chemistry. I also have a minor in Chemistry. I have experience with organic and inorganic chemistry as well as Biochemistry.

Child Development Tutoring

I have taken Child development courses. I also have experience as a Infant childcare provider and follow all CDC milestone guidelines. I have provided care for many ages gaining an understanding through experience.

College Algebra Tutoring

I took many math courses up until Calculus 3.

Psychology Tutoring

I minored in Psychology and have a deep interest in these topics. I also took AP psychology during high school.

Study Skills Tutoring

I have used different study methods over my education to improve my understanding and retention of a subject.

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