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Fun Facts

I love to read and I only wear a corrective contact lens in one eye.

About Me

I am from San Jose California. I studied Secondary Education with a major in History and a minor in Spanish. I am bilingual. Spanish was my first language. I moved to Texas after graduation. I am currently an office manager at Baylor University. I live with my husband in Waco and our two puppies. I am looking at attending Baylor next year to continue my education in several topics of interest.


I have tutored since I was in 6th grade. My tutoring experience includes: piano, math, biology, chemistry, spanish, writing, etc. I often tutored my own classmates in highschool and college. I think every student has the ability to excel in their education. Without realizing it, students who have difficulty learning harm themselves by giving up. It is important that we come along and show students how to study. Education is a powerful tool that will change their lives and the future.


Spanish was my first language. Unfortunately, when I was in elementry school, my school didn't really tutors to help me learn how to study. I found myself falling behind and hitting low test score which ultimately effected my self esteem. In middle school my someone came along side me and taught me how to study. This changed my life. I LOVE learning now. I learned how to excel in school. My goal is to teach students how to study and how to enjoy learning so anything is possible for them.

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Secondary Education

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Child Development Tutoring

I took several classes in college concerning child development.

Education Tutoring

My degree is in education. I have taken all college courses on how to teach education. I have tutored fellow classmates on this subject.

History Tutoring

I do love History. I have always excelled in history. I have tutored it from middle school - college.

Spanish I Tutoring

I am bilingual, I have taken all 4 years in high school and college.

Spanish II Tutoring

I am bilingual, I have taken all 4 years in high school and college.

Spanish III Tutoring

I am bilingual, I have taken all 4 years in high school and college.

English Tutoring

Learning English and how to diagram sentences is a hard topic. In college I took advanced grammar classes. I have also assisted in tutoring high school students.

ESL Tutoring

I have taken several classes on ESL. Plus... I had to learn ESL first hand.

Government Tutoring

Tutored this in college and high school

Homework Coach Tutoring

I was not very good at studying. Someone had to come along side me and teach me how to study etc. I have made it my mission to help anyone I come across as this has made all the difference in the world for me.

Science Tutoring

Love science. Have tutored it since middle school - college

Study Skills Tutoring

I personally had to have tutoring in this subject. Once in college I made it my mission to teach others. I have tutored this to high school students.

Writing Tutoring

I love writing. I am a writer. I have also taken several classes in college. I have tutored middle school writing classes

Biology Tutoring

I have always been fascinated with Biology. I have tutored Bio in middle school to my fellow classmates and in high school.

Spanish Tutoring

Spanish was my first language. I have also taken spanish all 4 years in high school as well as college. It was my Minor.

Math Tutoring

In college, I tutored math as a source of income. I have also taken classes in college on how to teach math.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have taken classes how to teach math and I have over 10 years experience in tutoring math.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I personally had trouble with this in school. I was tutored in reading comprehension. I have also taken college courses on how to teach reading and reading comprehension. I have taught students how to master this for themselves.

Social Studies Tutoring

In college I tutored social studies as a source of income. I have over 5 years experience.

Macintosh Tutoring

I have taken computer classes in both high school and college. I also use a mac at home and at work and in business.

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

I have taken several Microsoft Excel classes in college. Use spreadsheets on a daily basis. I have tutored students and co-workers in Excel

Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring

I use PowerPoint a lot. Taken some classes concerning powerpoint.

Microsoft Windows Tutoring

Widows was a mandatory subject in both high school and college. I have tutored elementary education in this.

Conversational Spanish Tutoring

Spanish was my first language. Also, I took Spanish in High School and all 4 years of college.

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