Fun Facts
I am an alumni of CCHS’s varsity tennis team and Commander of our AFJROTC unit #NC-20061. I am the oldest of three, and I have never had a pet. I enjoy dancing, singing, and outdoor activities. Someday, I hope to achieve every goals and dreams I have.
About Me
I was born in Manila, Philippines, and lived there for almost six years then moved to Nagasaki, Japan. I fluently speak Tagalog and English; in addition, I learned Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish. I am now a freshman Math Secondary Education major at NC A & T State University. I am pursuing to be a military DODEA math teacher. I graduate high school 41 out of 268 students. I was also a NC scholar and Honors student.
As a member of Air Force Junior ROTC, I had opportunity to know my community very well. I have contributed over 150 hours of community service. With participation in the Blood Drive, speaking engagements at the Ruritan Club, and Peer Tutoring, I have achieved numerous leadership positions.
As a child, I always moved around from military orders given to my parents. I encourage students to have a positive attitude when it comes to school because it will help them in the future run. As a tutor, I always motivate tutees to make sure they understand each lesson and not just wait for answers.
Request Me NowNorth Carolina A&T State University
Mathematics Secondary Education
Algebra Tutoring
I received 103 grade in my Algebra class. I took math honors in my high school. I was a peer tutor for all middle and high school grade levels
Algebra II Tutoring
I took honors math in my high school. I was a peer tutor for all middle and high school grade levels. I received a 97 in Alegbra II my sophomore and junior year.
Math Tutoring
I tutored math all through high school. Math Secondary Education is my major.
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