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Fun Facts

I love playing tennis and working out. Just being out in nature has always been a very attractive option for me. But at the same time propping open a good book is a lot of fun too. Being involved in a lot of research, I do also end up reading a lot of chemical literature as well.

About Me

I am currently a senior at Baylor University. I am majoring in Chemistry. I graduate in December, after which I look forward to moving on to the medical field.


I have worked in retail since High School. When I got to college, I also had a short stint working in a dining hall. I have also worked as a Chemistry Laboratory teaching assistant. I am currently a Chemistry tutor at Mclennan Community College.


I have always been a firm believer in integrated learning. I have never really been into memorizing material just for a test. As a tutor I have always preached deliberate practice and repetition. Knowledge is beautiful. Knowledge is power. And I have always lived by that philosophy.

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Baylor University


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Pre Calculus Tutoring

B+. Being a chemistry means years of math classes that range all the way up to physical chemistry. I have tutored calculus for many private clients.

Organic Chemistry II Tutoring

B. One of my favorite subjects in all of science. Organic chemistry is a beautiful orchestra that coordinates the movement of organic molecules. I have taken a plethora of organic chemistry classes, done much research, and have done extensive reading in the subject matter.

Organic Chemistry I Tutoring

B. One of my favorite subjects in all of science. Organic chemistry is a beautiful orchestra that coordinates the movement of organic molecules. I have taken a plethora of organic chemistry classes, done much research, and have done extensive reading in the subject matter.

Chemistry II Tutoring

B+. I have worked as a chemist, and have an extended background in chemistry. I am currently a chemistry major at Baylor University who has taken graduate courses in chemistry. I am well qualified to tutor this subject.

Chemistry I Tutoring

B+. I have worked as a chemist, and have an extended background in chemistry. I am currently a chemistry major at Baylor University who has taken graduate courses in chemistry. I am well qualified to tutor this subject.

Calculus I Tutoring

B+. Being a chemistry means years of math classes that range all the way up to physical chemistry. I have tutored calculus for many private clients.

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