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Fun Facts

One passion that I have, which is very therapeutic for me is cooking. I absolutely love cooking, it's so much fun. I am always looking up and trying new recipes, and all my friends and family always love what I make! I have 2 older siblings, I am the baby, I have one nephew. In my free time, I enjoy reading and listening to music.

About Me

I am a senior psychology major at Spelman College. I am involved in quite a few organization and I also volunteer a lot. Currently, I am an intern at the Metro Regional Youth Detention Center. In May 2018, I will be graduating with hopes of eventually becoming a speech pathologist.


Attending Spelman College has taught me the importance of service. Not only did I volunteer in high school but in college, I have volunteered at Coretta Scott King Leadership Academy. Also, I am a babysitter and I always have to help the children with their homework as needed. Being patient is extremely is extremely important when helping children. Working for Frog Tutoring will allow me to gain leadership skills and it also gives me the opportunity to help children, which is my biggest passion.


Growing up as a child, academics were extremely important in my house. While the other children went outside to play, I had to do all of my homework first and read a book. I am the reason for quite a few children found interest in reading books. As a tutor, I plan to motivate and encourage students to work to their full potential. I want to help them gain important to study and organization skills that will not only help them with elementary school but also college and life in general.

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Spelman College


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