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Fun Facts

I am a huge animal lover. Anytime I have a chance to I go to the local animal shelter to play with the pretty pets. I have huge passion for little kids.

About Me

I am a freshman at Arlington Baptist University. I am pursing a degree in EC-6 education. My dream job would be teaching international to orphans. I have a 3.95 GPA.


I am a part time elemantary teacher in a private school in Arlington, Texas. I have the opportunity to tutor students after 4 pm during the week. I have also taught kids during high school. Working with Frog Tutoring gives me the opportunity to help impact even more kids lives that need help.


As a child, I found education to be super fun. In middle school I struggled however i had a teacher who worked with me through positive encouragement which helped me realize my true potential. As a tutor, I attempt to bring high amounts of attitude and fun for all my sessions. I will not give the students answer becuse I feel they need to learn the content but it will also help develop study skills that will help them be successful in all classes!

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Education Ec-6

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Religion Tutoring

I studied in debth of the Bible and am able to teach how to get more out of the Bible.
I know almost all the different religions, and am happy to help with the variety.
I have studied many religions cultures and customs.

Study Skills Tutoring

I have mastered note taking and anazlyzing.
I am able to teach how to read to ensure you get a great grade.
I am able to help ensure you trust your gut feelings on a test.

Writing Tutoring

I am able to help proof read, enhance vocabulary, and anazlyze the content and grade like a AP reader.
I am a strong believer in brainstorming. I am a strong believer in many rough drafts.

Writing Advance Tutoring

I am willing to proof read. Enhance the students writing with higher vocabulary. I am willing to also teach MLA formats and all the other formats.

History Tutoring

History can be no fun at times, with songs it will make memorzing much easier. I am happy to make everything easier and learning very fun. I really believe for history you have to put yourself in that situation to fully grasp it.

Homework Coach Tutoring

A homework coach works through problems. Ensures that the student is getting the right answers and making sure that they are having the right mind. Homework coaching is easier to make sure a child is engaged to the content.

Math Tutoring

Math is about being organized and remembering formulas. I love making funny ways to remember the formulas. I think math needs to be very neat and well written out.

English Tutoring

Elementary english is all about learning how to form sentences and make sure you know the formatting. I am a strong beliver in making sure that a child speaks correctly. In Englsih it is hard to formulate the right content but I really love to make writing fun.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I am a strong beliver in counters and little math tricks. I have some homeschooling math workbooks to ensure they fully grasp the information. Elementary math has to be fun and colorful and with pictures to ensure that the information is being used to build a foundation.

Social Studies Tutoring

I have a ton of homeschooling social studies and flashcards for the elementary levels. Social studies is a huge importance to the governemntal foundations because it may be harder to understand all at once. I really love making social studies suoer fun and easy to learn.

STAAR Math Tutoring

Math STAAR testing can be harder because of the time testing. Speed drills will make the testing much easier. I belive in making math testing a fast procedure while absorbing the information.

STAAR Prep Tutoring

Combining all in one is a very fun time and timing it can make it very beneficial. STAAR prep can be easy with the right resouces to grasp the information. Prep can be from just familizing themselves with the types of writing, or the answer choices options.

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