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Fun Facts

I love to write poetry. I am an introvert but once we start talking, you would never know. I also love kids and dogs.

About Me

I am a junior English major, journalism minor from Brooklyn, New York currently attending Howard University. After graduation, I hope to have a career in teaching, journalism, or a mix of both.


I help my younger cousin with his math and English homework whenever I am home. He is currently in third grade and I've been helping him since he was in kindergarten. I help my friends from back home study and I do the same with my friends at Howard.


As a tutor, I want others to know that it is okay to ask for help and not understand. In order to understand you have to let it be known what is confusing or holding you back. I will help by using relatable concepts and encouragement. It is okay to not grasp everything on the first try because practice makes perfect.

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Howard University


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Study Skills Tutoring

With a future career in being a teacher, I should be able to set up study guides and show my students how to study. I help make study guides for peers in other classes. My friends also ask me to help them study or for tips because my skills are useful.

English Tutoring

I am an English major, so I can help with reading, writing, and speaking English.

Homework Coach Tutoring

As a possibly inspiring teacher, completing homework is important to me. As a student not only does homework not only boosts your grade, it also applies your knowledge to your classwork. As a teacher, homework let's you see where students are struggling and progressing at.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

As an English major, journalism minor, reading is key for me. I always have to proof read and look for errors which betters my reading comprehension skills.

Writing Tutoring

As an English major, journalism minor my scheme is based on writing. I am a great qualifier to help middle schoolers perfect and enhance their writing. I can help them with common mistakes to avoid while writing.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I help my younger cousin with his math homework whenever I go back home.

Social Studies Tutoring

In grade school, I was a start student in Social Studies. I took my regents and passed with over a 90 in 8th grade. This prompted me to take early social studies classes in high school.

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