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Mayada M.
Experienced English Tutor  
New Jersey City University

Fun Facts

One fun fact about me is that I love to watch new movies in theaters, for the thrill. Not only that, but I love to sing and dance. Since i'm not picky, I enjoy any kind of music.

About Me

I am a student at New Jersey City University, currently in my third year, as an English and Education major. I have been on the Dean's list for 3 years in a row and have been asked to join several honors clubs. After I earn my degree I hope to get a job in teaching right away to further master my teaching skills.


During my time off from school, I work at Kumon Learning Center. Which is also a tutoring center for students from age 3 and up. During my first year and a half working at Kumon I started off as a grader and then a tutor and worked my way up to manager. I have been working there for 3 years now. I enjoy working there because it helped me gain plenty of knowledge on how to tutor student and help them with the subjects they struggle in.


As a tutor, I hope to find out what my student is struggling in so that I can focus on these areas in order to help them. I will use words of encouragment to help motivate them. Not only that, but for students who become easily frustrated I will assist them in knowing how to handle their emotions instead of becoming overwhelmed, to assure they are motivated and focused 100 percent.

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New Jersey City University

English and Education

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English Tutoring

English Composition l & ll - A
Diversity and Difference - A
The Study of Literature - A
Focus: Reading, Language and Literacy - A
Children's & Young Adult Lit - Currently Taking

For students who struggle with English, I help them focus on the core of what is causing them to struggle. Since I am an English and Education major, and manager at a tutoring center, I know how to balance teaching a student without giving the answers, this way they are learning.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

American Politics - A
Stories of Teaching and Learning - Currently Taking
American Literature/ Realism to Modern Age - Currently Taking
British Literature/ The Early Renaissance - Currently Taking
Diversity and Difference - A
Place in Immigrant Lit - A
Stories of the Unversity - A

Through the courses I have taken, I learned how to read a story, passage, poem etc. and analyze it carefully. I intend to use these skills to help the student I am tutoring, to provide them with relevant techniques in reading comprehension. These techniques will help students learn how to read something, understand it, and be able to write about it.

Writing Tutoring

Through many of the english courses I have taken, I mastered grammar and punctuation. I intend to use the knowledge I have of writing necessities and teach them to the student I tutor. I will attempt to have the student I am working with learn everything about grammar and punctuation in order to help them achieve the goal of a perfect written paper.

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