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Fun Facts

I was tutor at age 9 in reading comprehension due to dyslexia. I am so thankful my parents invested in my education and it thrills me to help others improve with my knowledge of mathematics

I am a left/right brain thinker. I double majored in Dance & Mathematics

I love cooking.

About Me

I have been providing math tutoring for 10+ years. I was a tutor in college at the Olin Math Lab, and I was a calculus 3 teaching assistant my senior year. I have been tutoring math & special needs in the New York City area since 2011. I received my Bachelor's in Mathematics with a focus on abstract & theoretical concepts from one of the top liberal arts colleges. Since 2013, I have been developing a curriculum called MathMove which specializes in visual, tactile, and kinetics learning methods


Math & Special Needs Coach at EBL Coaching
Science Specialist for NIA at Citizens of the World Charter School.
Taugh MathMove for Brooklyn Music School's after-school program
Special Needs Trainer at The Guild for Exceptional Childern

Training: Executive Functioning coaching, Core Skills for training individuals with MD & DD, Strategies for Crisis Intervention and Prevention (Revisited), First Aid, CPR with AED


Initially, I assess my students grasp on fundamentals of Math & Science and I get to know the students interests outside of school. The great thing about math is every action in the universe can be described by mathematics. For example, a student is interested in Football. We use the field as a coordinate plan and actions such as an interception to learn the x & y intercepts. Many teachers try to explain math with words, but I believe since math is visual and must be explain with visuals.

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Birmingham-Southern College


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Accounting Tutoring

Worked as a Assistant Project manager for a City Contractor in HVAC. I gained real world experience in estimating, auditing, submitting requisitions & pencil copies, quickbooks, and tracking expenditures

Business Calculus Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Calculus I Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Calculus 2 Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Calculus 3 Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

College Algebra Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Computer Science Tutoring

Took Computer Science in High School & College as well as linear algebra. Plus, my dad is a computer programmer; so, I grew up around computers.

Education Tutoring

I was trained in Special Needs education and screened by the NY Dept. of Health and Human Services. I have taught in charter schools and was screened by the NY Dept. of Education and Early Childhood Development.

I have 10+ years experience tutoring

GED Tutoring

I have tutored a handful of students taking the GED

Math Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Math Advance Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Music Theory Tutoring

I took Music Theory in College and taught Music Fundamentals at Brooklyn Music School. I also have developed MathMove lessons that use music theory to explain concepts of math.

Physics I Tutoring

I took Physics 101 in college and wrote a thesis on The Physics of Ballet.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Study Skills Tutoring

I was trained in teaching executive functioning skills by Dr. Emily Levy of EBL Coaching in NYC

Trigonometry Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Algebra Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Algebra II Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

AP Physics Tutoring

Took Physics 101 in college and wrote a thesis on the Physics of Ballet

Calculus Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Calculus AP Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Physics Tutoring

I took Physics 101 and wrote a thesis on The Physics of Ballet.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Religion Tutoring

I grew up in a religious household and tutored kids in catholic school. I also took Hebrew Bible in college

SAT Math Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3. I have tutored this topic many times

Science Tutoring

I was science specialist for Citizens of the World Charter School

Arts Tutoring

I am an artist

ESL Tutoring

I have taught many students preparing for the common core exams in ny.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I was trained in executive functioning skills by Dr. Emily Levy of EBL Coaching.

Middle School Math Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Elementary Math Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

ACT Math Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

GRE Tutoring

I have tutored many adults preparing for grad school

STAAR Math Tutoring

BS in Mathematics and Teaching Assistant for Calculus 3

Music History Tutoring

I took Music History as a part of my Ballet class every year of mt 4 year college.

Music Theory Tutoring

I taught Music Fundamentals at Brooklyn Music School and have a MathMove lesson that uses music theory to explain concepts of Math & Physics

Computer Science Tutoring

Took Computer Science in High School & College as well as linear algebra. Plus, my dad is a computer programmer; so, I grew up around computers.

HTML Tutoring

I am a blogger and use HTML on a regular basis

MATLAB Tutoring

I used MatLab when I took Linear Algebra in college

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

I've used Excel working as a APA for a City Contractor. I used Excel for lab reports in college. I use excel for my tutoring business

Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring

I use powerpoint when I do MathMove workshops for teachers

Microsoft Windows Tutoring

I am currently using Microsoft Window 10

Microsoft Word Tutoring

I took keyboarding when I was 13 years old and have used it often since then

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