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Fun Facts

I love building computers and learning about new PC hardware. I enjoy playing video games and watching a few anime in my spare time.

About Me

I am a senior at California State University, Los Angeles in Mechanical Engineering. I hope to one day work for the air force in creating future technology in terms of space or jets.


My experience in tutoring are my little brothers. I tutored them twice a week for their last two years of middle school and first year in high school. Working for Frog Tutoring give me the opportunity to impact the lives of student and hopefully inspire them to follow a STEM career.


I always found school easy up until college. I never studied and just did my homework to learn. Once arriving in college, I quickly discovered that was not he way I would get by. I studied really hard and learned how to study because I really needed to. Now I feel like it would be very beneficial if high school students learn how college will be and for college students to study the way I learn how.

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California State University LA

Mechanical Engineering

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Calculus I Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Calculus 3 Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

College Algebra Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Math Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Physics I Tutoring

Took UC level Physics classes.
Took UC level Static and dynamic engineering courses.
Still use advance and basic physics every day for my engineering courses.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Algebra Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Algebra II Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Calculus Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Calculus AP Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Geometry Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Math Advance Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Physics Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Trigonometry Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Middle School Math Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Science Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

Elementary Math Tutoring

Took AP Calculus as a junior in high school.
Took UC level Calculus classes.
Still use advance and basic calculus every day for my engineering courses.

AutoCAD Tutoring

Have a skills certificate for East Los Angeles College in engineering graphics. This includes hand drafting skills, AutoCAD skills and Solid Works skills. Currently using basic 2D AutoCAD in my part time job.

MATLAB Tutoring

Took CSU level matlab courses.
Use matlab as a hobby in order to see if I got correct answers on my homework in my multi variable matrix calculus class.
Currently using matlab as a supplemental to engineering projects.

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

Have a habit of using excel every time i want to buy something new.
Use excel every month to keep track of my expenses and accounts.
Use matlab in my engineering labs to create tables and graphs.

Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring

Use it in every course to create presentation on my projects and reports.
Took a computer course in which we were taught all the shortcuts and tricks to powerpoint.

Microsoft Windows Tutoring

Have a hobby of PC building, therfore I know how to install windows and work the bios.
I know the layout of windows 10 and where directories are stored.
Know how to set up windows so that the PC is not secretly slowing your computer down.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

Use it in every course to create presentation on my projects and reports.
Took a computer course in which we were taught all the shortcuts and tricks to powerpoint.
Use it to write all my technical writing reports.
Use word to create my lab reports with equations and tables and graphs.

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