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Tierra G.
Elementary and Middle School English Tutor 
Howard University
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

While I am a natural hair enthusiast, I love advocating for all young women to find any look that makes them feel comfortable and beautiful. I am an author if a natural hair blog that talks all about my healthy hair journey, and how that journey was much more than a physical journey; but, was a journey towards self acceptance and beauty. I am from Chicago and I am the oldest of two children. In my spare time I enjoy singing and listening to music.

About Me

I am a sophomore Supply Chain Management major, English minor at Howard University. I am also a school of business Management Team Leader where I am responsible for guiding 21 freshmen through their first year in the school of business by connecting them with a corporate sponsor and teaching them basic business fundamentals. When I graduate I plan on attending law school to become either a corporate or intellectual property attorney.


As an English minor, I have taken extra classes beyond my major that have taught me fundamental English skills. In high school I also passed my dual-credit 100 English course, as well as, my AP English Language class with A's. I also spent my high school and college career peer reviewing papers for my pears, upper class men, and students much younger than myself.


My love of English and natural ability to write well was discovered in the fourth grade. Every February my parents required me to write a paper once a week about a notable African American. This was a routine that was set a foundation for me to learn how to do research and organize it into a well written paper long before I was required to turn in formal papers for school. Those experiences made me discover a passion that I want to practice for the rest of my life!

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Howard University

Supply Chain Management

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