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Andres V.
Expert Science Tutor  
Texas Tech University

Fun Facts

I am West Texas born and raised, from the (not so small anymore) town of El Paso. Soccer is without a doubt one of my greatest passions; I have been playing since I was 6 years old and have competed in tournaments in Sweden and England. Music is another one of my great passions, especially the guitar because of its versatility and beautiful sound - for this reason I also taught myself to play the piano also!

About Me

Current third year medical student and Texas Tech university grad. My dream is to become a surgeon and hopefully match into an ophthalmology residency!


During college I briefly helped tutor other students in organic chemistry, biochemistry, and biology. When I would return home during the holiday breaks I would help my friend tutor high school students, mostly in chemistry and physics. I've helped all of my siblings with their class work since they were in elementary - all but one are currently in high school. I hope that by working with Frog Tutoring I can help students learn to love and appreciate science as much as I do!


Since I was little my biggest struggle in school was staying focused. I was easily distracted and felt like classwork was tedious. As I grew older I learned to look at the big picture - to conceptualize rather than memorize - I learned to look passed just the numbers or vocabulary. Since then there hasn't been a single subject I did not find interesting! I know many students also struggle to keep focus and as a tutor I will do my best to make my lessons engaging and motivating.

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Texas Tech University


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Anatomy Physiology II Tutoring

Physiology was a requirement for my degree plan in college, as well as one of the most tested subjects on the MCAT. Having recently taken the MCAT I have all the material fresh in my mind. During college I took two semesters of physiology each with a lab.

Biochemistry Tutoring

Biochemistry was and is one of my favorite subjects during undergrad! I tutored many students in biochemistry and to this day I am the go-to person among my friends and their friends, for any help regarding biochemistry.

Biology Advance Tutoring

My last 2 years of college consisted almost entirely of biology classes. I have studied everything from virology and immunology to ecology and genetics; there is hardly a subject that I am not familiar with or thoroughly enjoy learning about. I received my Bachelor's degree in biology.

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