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Stephanie J.
Elementary Teacher Tutor  
CUNY--Hunter College
Language Lessons

Fun Facts

One of my deepest passions is playing Volleyball. I have played volleyball since the 5th grade and fell in love with the sport ever since. I am the oldest daughter of FOUR girls. I enjoy watching NBA basketball. Go WARRIORS!

About Me

I am an elementary school teacher at a Public Charter School. I am originally from New York City and moved to the DMV area about 3 years ago with my now, 6 year old daughter.


I am currently a 2nd grade teacher. I am currently certified and highly qualified to teach K-12 education/virginia/washington-dc">Special Education. When I first moved to the DMV area, I was hired as a special educator for grades 6-8th grade specializing in Math.
While in New York, I was a pre-school teacher for 2 years while studying at Hunter College (located in New York).


As a child, teachers always taught learning strategies the same exact way to ALL students, we had no choice but to learn that way and easily accepted that we just were not good at math or reading. This is NOT TRUE!
As a teacher, I am dedicated to ensuring that your scholar learns in his/her own way and offer different methods to learning one skill. I am dedicated to empowering your scholar; thus leading to success in the classroom!

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CUNY--Hunter College


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English Tutoring

I currently teach lower elementary English (2nd grade). I can help your scholar increase their reading fluency as well as well help them with reading comprehension such as within the text comprehension and beyond the text thinking and real world application.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I am not only a school teacher in the daytime, I have also worked as an after school teacher helping students with homework from grade levels K-5. I can help your scholar not only complete their homework but also help them understand content they were not 100% comfortable with in completing it independently.

Math Tutoring

I am an experienced Special Education Math Teacher that has had two years experience teaching math 6-8th grade. My role was including but not limited to differentiating math content to ensure all students has access the common core. Math is really fun if you understand it. My job is to convince your scholar math is fun!

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have experience teaching and tutoring students using Eureka Math Curriculum. With this curriculum, I have exposed students to different techniques and strategies to solving different math problems from single step word problems to multi-step word problems using different operations. I love using this curriculum as not every student learns the same and opens up opportunities for all students to succeed.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I have experience with teaching students how to read and analyze books by having conversations about the text and beyond the text. I have tested students to find their independent reading level as well as worked with them throughout the year to increase their reading fluency putting above grade level.

Spanish Tutoring

I have college background in Advance Spanish and have experience leading clubs in elementary and middle school teaching beginners and intermediate conversational spanish. I am hispanic and can teach your scholar how to write, read and speak in spanish.

Writing Tutoring

I have experience with beginners writing. I can help your scholar brainstorm, draft, edit their paragraphs and essays. I can also help students develop their language and writing by helping them understand subject/verb agreements, verb tense, and sentence fragments etc. I can teach them to be better writers by learning to identify errors in writing.

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