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Selim H.
Social Sciences/Studies Ph.D. Student Tutor 
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I am from Turkey and I played basketball at the level of the national team in my youth. I still love the game and play it whenever I find a chance. I am a good 3-point shooter and I can still make a two-hand dunk although it has been more than ten years since I stopped playing professionally.

About Me

I am a Ph.D. student in social and political theory at The New School for Social Research in New York City. I taught Introduction to Political Science at City University of New York, and Western Political Thought at St. John's University. I received Prize Fellowship for my doctoral studies, which is the highest award given to a Ph.D. student at my university. I completed a master's degree with in political science with Dean's Merit Scholarship in 2013.


I started tutoring other students as early as a high-school student myself. I have always been very good at history and social studies, and I used to tutor groups of 5-6 students who were all my friends in my class before history and social studies exams. I continued to tutor on a voluntary basis as a college student. As a graduate student, I served as a teaching assistant in several college-level courses and taught my own classes at various universities.


I strongly believe that the presence of the two elements makes learning most effective. The first one is breaking the subject matter into its most basic components, enabling the learner to easily grasp a complex issue. The second one is creating an emotional connection between the student and the subject matter, such as curiosity or the desire to understand and solve a problem, by asking interesting questions and telling engaging stories. I always aim to provide these two elements to my students

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Political Science and Public Administration

New School



New School

Politics (Social & Political Theory)

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