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Anas U.
Expert Math Tutor 
Georgia State University

Fun Facts

My favorite sport is basketball. Its something fun to watch and enjoy. You'll find me spending akt of my freetime playing a little basketball. I am the third child of 5. Some people I tell that to think that's a pretty big family, but I guess not for me because that is how it has always been.

About Me

I am a sophomore chemistry major at Georgia State University. I developed a passion for chemistry when I took it in my sophomore year of highschool. Ever since then, I knew that it was what I wanted to have a career in. I am just getting started but the opportunities ahead of me seem vast and I am ready to see where chemistry will end up taking me.


I have had many experiences in helping my peers grasp concepts that I was able to understand a little more quickly as well as get help the same way. These little one-on-one sessions gave me aid in strengthening my knowledge of what I was teaching as well as give me insight to better ways to help different people.


One thing that I have learned through helping and getting helped is that as humans we all have the capacity to understand complex and simple ideas alike and all it takes is a little push. So.e peoe need to be pushed a little harder and I am willing to find that capapcity in whoeve I help. One illusion that follows succes is that failure isn't something that in most cases has to happen in order for success to follow. For me failure is the first step to success. Your best teacher is your mistakes

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Georgia State University


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Algebra Tutoring

I have taken college level algebra and excelled at the material. I have a clear understanding of all the concepts and equations that need to be learned. I am able to convey my knowledge in steps that are easy for someone who is new to the material to understand.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Algebra is the stepping stone for many higher level math and science. I have a clear understanding of what needs to be emphasized when learning due to me taking subjects that have led me to utilize what I have learned in lower level math classes. Mixed with my ability to teach the material in ways that are coherent with different levels of people this is a subject that I am fully confident in helping others in.

Math Tutoring

As I am a chemistry major, many math classes are required for me to take. These classes include single and multivariable calculus. There is no way that I am able to pass these classes without an understanding of lower level math. My confidence on being able to a of students is this subject is high.

Middle School Math Tutoring

As I am a chemistry major, many math classes are required for me to take. These classes include single and multivariable calculus. There is no way that I am able to pass these classes without an understanding of lower level math. My confidence on being able to a of students is this subject is high.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

As a chemistry major I have a lot of texts that I have to read. Unfortunately reading alone will not help me to understand the concepts. I have to be able to decipher what I am reading. Being that reading comprehension is something that I use everyday at a higher level I am very confident in helping others find ways to comprehend what they read.

Homework Coach Tutoring

As an older sibling I have spent hours helping my little brother with his homework, whether the subject is math, science or reading I had the knowledge to help him. Helping with answers is only one part though. Children also need someone to motivate and challenge them to use what they learned from one problem to comete the next one and I am confident in being that guy.

Elementary Math Tutoring

As I am a chemistry major, many math classes are required for me to take. These classes include single and multivariable calculus. There is no way that I am able to pass these classes without an understanding of lower level math. My confidence on being able to a of students is this subject is high.

Science Tutoring

I am a chemistry major and I still remember learning all the basics of the different sciences in elementary school. One of the biggest things with science was the relation of what I learned to everyday things. I am someone who wants to instill a passion to understand science, not just learn it to forget.

Study Skills Tutoring

As a college student, studying is a habit that essential for success. I have gone through many trial and errors to find what is best for me. That helps me to know that studying isn't one size fits all. I want to help kids learn what size they wear and how to stay in their clothes.

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