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Fun Facts

I love bugs, rodents, and reptiles! I used to perform scientific studies with rats and during my free time I love to draw, listen to music, scavenge for mushrooms and berries, and sew my own clothing!

About Me

I am a 3rd year PhD student at American University where I study clinical psychology. In particular I study substance use disorders and minority health with an emphasis on sexual and racial minorities, harm reduction, and community health benefits. I ultimately hope to work as a clinical psychologist with prison populations, help effect sensible drug policy, and plan to advocate on behalf of disenfranchised and overly policed populations.


I have years of teaching experience in a range of settings from education/virginia/washington-dc">special education classes at an elementary school level, to advanced behavioral neuroscience instruction for college undergraduates. Additionally, I am an author of several peer reviewed publications and have experience helping individuals prepare personal statements for medical and graduate school applications.


I love working closely with students to help harness their potential as writers, students, and informed consumers of academic material. I am very patient, friendly, and flexible with working with different types of learners. I appreciate that we each have different mind sets, weaknesses, and strengths and that tutoring is not one size fits all.

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Reed College


American University

Clinical Psychology

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Psychology Tutoring

- AP Psych (received a score of 5, highest score possible)
- Majored in psychology with academic commendation
- Worked at NIH in a clinical psychology and biology lab

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I have worked in schools teaching reading comprehension for children with special needs at an elementary and high-school level. Additionally, I have worked as a tutor and TA for understanding academic articles and studies for undergraduate students.

Writing Tutoring

I have received scholastic award in writing and have authored 3 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I have experience helping students study effectively, make homework plans, make flashcards, plan, and troubleshoot.

Arts Tutoring

I have worked as an art therapist intern in medical settings and have worked as a self published, freelance illustrator and graphic designer.

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