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Fun Facts

My greatest passion is reading and writing. On my free time, you will most definitely find me with a book under my nose. I find it as a way to create a perfect world of my own. I also love to travel, and meet and learn about new places and people. The most important thing in my life is Family and Friends, without them I wouldn't be the person I am today.

About Me

I am in undergraduate freshman, working on my bachelors degree in English. I currently attend The University of Texas at San Antonio, and hope to obtain my ELAR Certification for teaching. My ultimate goal is to become a teacher, and serve to shape the minds of the future generation.


As a member of The International Baccalaureate Program, I had the opportunity to be President of The Children's Interactive Agency. Which was an association created by my peers and I. The main purpose was for high school students to serve as mentors to elementary/middle school students. We helped them heavily with academics, ranging from math, reading, social studies, and language. Although, we also try and build a positive relationship as a mentor.


As a child, I constantly heard negative remarks about becoming a teacher. While, they were praising kids who wanted to be doctors or lawyers. As I grew up, I learned the true value of becoming a teacher, which made me love the profession even more. It is a way where you not only give them knowledge but you serve as a role model. I see teachers as a foundation to everything. Education is the most important thing, and it wouldn't mean anything without passionate and determined eductaors.

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University of Texas at San Antonio


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Algebra Tutoring

I have taken Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 and have received higher than a 90 average,

English Tutoring

I am an English Major with a concentration in Creative Writing. As well as working on my ELAR Teaching Certification.

ESL Tutoring

I have been speaking English for 16 years. I know how to read, write, and speak fluently.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I have had experience helping people with their homework, any subject.

Math Tutoring

I believe I have enough experience to tutor elementary school kids. With this being said, I have always received an "A" as a letter grade in the course.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have taken Pre Algebra and received an A. Not only that, but I have taken Algebra 1 and 2 as well,

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Reading and Comprehension is one of my greatest skills. Working with kids and their ability to read and comprehend thoroughly has provided me with the proper qualities to tutor kids for their test.

SAT Math Tutoring

I have experience with SAT Preparations. When I was a tutor at an Elementary School, I conducted practice exams and helped students with math.

Spanish I Tutoring

I am fluent in reading, speaking and writing Spanish. It is my first language spoken.

Spanish II Tutoring

I am fluent in reading, speaking and writing Spanish. It is my first language spoken.

Spanish III Tutoring

I am fluent in reading, speaking and writing Spanish. It is my first language spoken.

Writing Tutoring

I am an English Major, therefore I am very good at writing and constructing essays. I also have a writing concentration in creative writing. Also, I am currently taking a writing composition college class, that is really helping me learn even more things.

Writing Advance Tutoring

I am an English Major, therefore I am very good at writing and constructing essays. I also have a writing concentration in creative writing. Also, I am currently taking a writing composition college class, that is really helping me learn even more things.

Middle School Math Tutoring

Math Middle School contains of Basic Math, and Pre-Algebra. I feel as if that comes very easily to me and I would have the proper experience and exposure to the subject, to be able to tutor kids. I have received an "A" in all Math classes in middle school.

Spanish Tutoring

I have 17 years of exposure to the Spanish Language. Not only am I fluent in reading, speaking, and writing, but I also have experience in tutoring others.

Study Skills Tutoring

Being able to teach different study skills would be very beneficial for the kids, and for me. Studying is different for everyone and each person learns a different way. I feel as if I have enough exposure to different study skills.

Elementary Math Tutoring

Math Elementary is the basics of math, which I believe I have enough experience to tutor elementary school kids. With this being said, I have always received an "A" as a letter grade in the course.

Science Tutoring

Elementary School Science is the basis of all sciences. I have an exceptional experience record for science fairs. Every year I have placed in the top three categories. Not only that, but the subject comes easily to me and even easier to explain.

Social Studies Tutoring

History is very important for elementary kids to be exposed to, although, it can be very hard. Social Studies does not come as easily to students because of the difficulty with remembering people and dates. I believe I can help with the subject, and I have held study sessions with kids before. Not only to prepare for the tests, but to overall understand the topic.

STAAR Math Tutoring

I have experience with STAAR Preparations. When I was a tutor at an Elementary School, I conducted practice exams and helped students with math.

STAAR Prep Tutoring

Preparing for the STAAR is something I would excel that. I have had experiences with taking the STAAR for more than 5 years, and I have gotten commended on all my exams. Not only have I taken them, but I also have experience in holding tutoring sessions for Elementary and Middle School kids.

STAAR Reading Tutoring

Reading and Comprehension is one of my greatest skills. Working with kids and their ability to read and comprehend thoroughly has provided me with the proper qualities to tutor kids for their test.

STAAR Science Tutoring

Both times I have taken the STAAR Test, I have received a 100 percent. I also tutored a study session for testing preparation in 5th grade and8th grade science.

Conversational Spanish Tutoring

My first language was Spanish, and I know how to speak, write, and read fluently. I also took AP Spanish fro two years and have a lot of experience with the language overall.

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