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Fun Facts

I love parenting small animals. I have two water dragons right now. They are energetic and smart. I enjoy the time with them.

About Me

I majored in math at my undergraduate and have passion on sharing the knowledge.


I have experience of tutoring both high school and middle school students in mathemtics and physics. They all got a huge improvement in the final exam. I enjoy helping them to win the confidence in learning as well as bringing happiness them.


I love helping students when they have difficulties in the learning. The most important message that I would like to convey is that learning itself is a happiness.

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Cornell University

financial engineering

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Algebra Tutoring

I major in mathematics at my undergraduate. I have got A in algebra. I have sufficient experience in tutoring high school and middle school students in math topics.

Algebra II Tutoring

I major in mathematics at my undergraduate. I have got A in algebra. I have sufficient experience in tutoring high school and middle school students in math topics.

Calculus Tutoring

I major in mathematics at my undergraduate. I have got A in calculus. I have sufficient experience in tutoring high school and middle school students in math topics.

Calculus AP Tutoring

I major in mathematics at my undergraduate. I have got A in calculus. I have sufficient experience in tutoring high school and middle school students in math topics.

Chinese Tutoring

I'm a native Chinese speaker. I have experience in teaching oral Chinese. I'm also a native Shanghainese which can make a lot of fun during tutoring.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I'm a patient person and willing to be with students on coaching their homework. I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge to students and help them find the interest and confidence. In addition, I have sufficient experience in tutoring high school and middle school students.

Math Tutoring

I major in mathematics at my undergraduate. I'm passionate about sharing my math knowledge to students and help them find the interest and confidence. In addition, I have sufficient experience in tutoring high school and middle school students in math topics.

Math Advance Tutoring

I major in mathematics at my undergraduate and have a high grade. I'm passionate about sharing my math knowledge to students and help them find the interest and confidence. In addition, I have sufficient experience in tutoring high school and middle school students in math topics.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I major in mathematics at my undergraduate. I have got A in calculus. I have sufficient experience in tutoring high school and middle school students in math topics.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I major in mathematics at my undergraduate. I'm passionate about sharing my math knowledge to students and help them find the interest and confidence. In addition, I have sufficient experience in tutoring high school and middle school students in math topics.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I major in mathematics at my undergraduate. I have got A in algebra. I have sufficient experience in tutoring high school and middle school students in math topics.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I major in mathematics at my undergraduate. I'm passionate about sharing my math knowledge to students and help them find the interest and confidence. In addition, I have sufficient experience in tutoring high school and middle school students in math topics.

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