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Richard R.
Experienced Computer Science Java Tutor 
Florida International University

Fun Facts

I am passionate about teaching, that is why for the last two years I have been a Learning Assistant at FIU. On my personal time I like to drink coffee, read a good computer logic, a novel, or go to the movies. I took two photography classes and had an eye for photography, but never decided to pursue it.

About Me

I am a graduate student at Florida International University with a GPA of 3.6. I have been on the dean's list more than 4 times, which shows my passion in computer programming. My undergrad was in science/colorado/colorado-springs">Computer Science and my graduate courses are also in science/colorado/colorado-springs">Computer Science. I will be doing an internship over the summer with the government. I plan on pursuing a PhD in science/colorado/colorado-springs">Computer Science as well.


As a Learning Assistant in Programming I and II at FIU, I have been helping the Professors teach while in the class, in the labs, and in personal office hours. At the same time, I have worked as a grader, which allows me the opportunity to grade programming assignments and leave constructive feedback to the students so that they know how what went wrong and how to fix it.


The approach that I use is the same that was taught to me at the Learning Assistant Seminar. In the seminar, I was taught that I should not respond to a question with a direct answer. The best way to do it is by stimulating the student's mind so that they can make the connection between what they do not understand and the objective, whether is in one or in multiple steps. When a problem is approached this way, the student can tackle the problem and others similars to it.

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Florida International University

Computer Science

Florida International University

Computer Science

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Computer Science Tutoring

I have taken classes in discrete mathematics, logic for computer science, data structures, and algorithms, all of which are the foundations that computer science is based on. Once we have a good foundation, then we can build other concepts on top of this, where such concepts are consider to be higher level, which are easier for us human to understand. These two concepts, the private and the higher level, allows us to create algorithms, which we use to create applications in programming languages.

Java Tutoring

At FIU, I have been teaching the Java programming language as an assistant to the Professor in charge of the class. I have had the privilege to teach students by myself when in the lab, and have helped a great many number of students during my office hours. What I find to be rewarding is having students come back to me and thanking me for helping them understand programming. Once they have the proper foundation, then they can break down a large problem into minor pieces and begin building a solution.

Computer Science Tutoring

I have taken classes in discrete mathematics, logic for computer science, data structures, and algorithms, all of which are the foundations that computer science is based on. Once we have a good foundation, then we can build other concepts on top of this, where such concepts are consider to be higher level, which are easier for us human to understand. These two concepts, the private and the higher level, allows us to create algorithms, which we use to create applications in programming languages.

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