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Fun Facts

I love to read and try to learn new vocabulary. I am often curious about a lot of things and will generally explore until I find how stuff works!

About Me

Currently a seventh grade English teacher. I graduated from Salisbury University with a bachelor's degree in English-Secondary Education. During each semester of my undergraduate career I maintained my place on the Dean's List.


I teach currently, so I have a lot of individual time with my students for them to work on projects/assignments. During my undergraduate career, I also assisted my peers with editing and proofreading of their written work. I enjoy all things grammar and literature.


My goals as an educator and tutor include empowering every student by providing an environment with momentum, where students are well adjusted and excited to learn. I aim to establish that we are all learning together to improve ourselves through active questioning and reflecting. I try to challenge my students to reach high expectations and think in new ways. Within my tutoring, I aim to help with any English homework first before moving into practicing concepts for the student's success.

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Salisbury University

English-Secondary Eduation

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Education Tutoring

I have taken all of the education courses before surviving the first year of teaching!

English Tutoring

A great tip is to chunk the assignments into manageable pieces before you start working.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

The texts that are used in college can be rather challenging versus what is seen in high school. I can help to bridge that gap.

Homework Coach Tutoring

Creating time to get to every assignments without feeling burned out is key.

Study Skills Tutoring

I remind my students that great study habits have the potential to help them achieve their goals.

Writing Tutoring

Writing can be challenging, but great pre-writing can help with planning.

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