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Cody W.
Experience: English, writing, & Linguistics 
University of New Mexico
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I am an absolute nerd. Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons, Harry Potter--I consider anything and everything within the realm of the fantastic a personal passion of mine. This includes my field of study, Medieval Literature.

About Me

I am an English major at the University of New Mexico. I have been on the Dean's list every semester, maintain the highest GPA possible, and thrive for academic excellence. This is my final semester with the university. I would love to write/tutor when I graduate.


I am currently enrolled in a tutoring practicum with the University of New Mexico, where I actively tutor in college-level English courses. My experience with English ranges from historical documents to modern-day technical writing, medieval literature to 18th-century gothic literature, and various other modes of the language.


The difference between tutor and editor is a distinction that many fail to make. My goal is to assist the students, teach where necessary, but always encourage their activity in the learning process. I am always willing to guide a student, but to deliver the answer to a problem without provoking the student's own thought process would be a failure on my part.

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University of New Mexico


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