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Fun Facts

Sculpting has always been a passion that I enjoy. My first job was working at an art studio's summer camp. I got the opportunity help kid's creativity while learning a skill I love.

I've also built several computers from assorted pieces and have an interest in coding.

About Me

I am a graduate with a history in degree from Rhodes College. I worked in a data analyst role for three years before moving to Nashville. While here I plan to further my education and move into a teaching role.


* Tutoring students in my elementary and middle school.
- Assisting students with assignments
- Managing disputes between students
* Working as an art camp councilor.
- Directing curriculum for camps.
- Encouraging creative thinking and storytelling.
* Interning at Rhodes' Campus Safety
- Leading tours for parents and prospective students
- Ensuring safety of students and faculty
* Volunteering at the Nashville Adult Literacy Center
- Tutoring adult learners in English


I approach teaching with a positive and encouraging attitude. By encouraging a student's strengths I can build their confidence as they work through difficult problems. I always make sure to tailor my approach to each individual student.

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Rhodes College


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Algebra Tutoring

During high school and college I tutored students in math classes. I ensured that my tutoring fit with their class requirements.

AP English Tutoring

I peer reviewed student essays and papers through high school and college. I assisted students in improving their written assignments. I completed the AP literature class and passed the AP exam.

AP History Tutoring

I received a bachelor's degree in History. I completed the AP history courses in high school and passed the AP exams.

Arts Tutoring

I worked as an art camp supervisor. I directed art classes and assisted students in completing their projects.

English Tutoring

I peer reviewed student essays and papers through high school and college. I assisted students in improving their written assignments. I completed the AP English class and passed the AP exam.

ESL Tutoring

I volunteer at the Nashville Adult Literacy council teaching foreign speakers English. Patience and practice is key for ESL.

Geography Tutoring

I studied geography extensively during high school and college. I received my bachelor's degree in history and developed a knack for geography in the process.

Geometry Tutoring

During high school and college I tutored students in math classes. I ensured that my tutoring fit with their class requirements.

History Tutoring

I received a bachelor's degree in History. I completed the AP history courses in high school and passed the AP exams.

Math Tutoring

During high school and college I tutored students in math classes. I ensured that my tutoring fit with their class requirements.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

During high school and college I tutored students in math classes. I ensured that my tutoring fit with their class requirements.

Middle School Math Tutoring

During high school and college I tutored students in math classes. I ensured that my tutoring fit with their class requirements.

Elementary Math Tutoring

During high school and college I tutored students in math classes. I ensured that my tutoring fit with their class requirements.

Religion Tutoring

I received a minor in religious studies. I volunteered to lead vacation bible school classes.

Social Studies Tutoring

I received a bachelor's degree in History. I worked with children as a camp supervisor. I can keep them engaged as I teach the skills they'll need to develop.

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