Very humorous and fun approach to physics. He makes physics interesting to learn.
I loved working with her. She set up a very comforting environment for me and was extremely understanding of anything I struggled with, not only that but I enjoyed being able to converse with her on how my brain works during tests and she gave me the appropriate amount of advice to overcome my problems. Her teaching methods were amazing and I'm looking forward to advancing academically with her as my tutor.
Varre has done a wonderful job of tutoring my high school junior in both AP Physics and accelerated junior year math (Precalculus.). Prior to working with Varre, my son’s grades had been slipping and he was struggling with the concepts in both courses. Varre worked with him for a few weeks and helped my son become more comfortable with the subjects as well as raise his grades. We are looking forward to working with Varre for the upcoming second semester of both courses.
Francisco is a wonderful tutor. My son is in college and we have used Frog Tutors off and on through high school and a couple of times since he's been in college. Francisco is not only very knowledgeable but the way he presents the material and re-teaches concepts is incredible. My son was working with him on a foreign language. I would highly recommend Francisco for any area of Tutoring. He is not only very knowledgeable but is great for all ages also. He is definitely one of the best at Frog Tutors! Thank you Francisco for everything!
Alex was my tutor for my Fall 2023 OSM 202: Intro to Business Analytics Course. He was always available, energetic, and open to all situations. We encountered a difficult situation in this course almost on a weekly basis and even when I became very frustrated, Alex knew how to calm me down. I appreciate his calm approach and willingness to stick with me.
Anthony has been encouraging and kind to our son who has severe adhd. Anthony has a large knowledge base and present material thoughtfully and thoroughly.
He's an icon to society and singlehandedly carried my calc II grade.
I’ve been studying for my HiSET GED exam for five months now and have been through multiple tutors already so I was glad to pair with Marthe. She has helped me so much, she is very efficient at helping me understand the ELA, Mathematics, Science and other topics especially with the longer word problems and how to break them down. I don’t do well in a class setting so her being a great one-on-one tutor who was patient, personable, kind, funny and extremely smart with test taking skills has made all the difference! I scored in the 90th percentile on our last practice exam so I will take the Language portion first! She's awesome!
Everything is great.
Zara has been wonderful with our daughter Brooke. She is helping her boost her confidence and working with her on study tactics. She got a 100% on her recent biology test. Brooke is more motivated to study as well.
very professional and very helpful.
She was wonderful to work with and very knowledgeable.
Corinna is very patient, especially when dealing with a frustrated student, and her skill at pinpointing where her students are struggling is remarkable. We can't recommend her enough.
Lorelei is prepared, professional and a great teacher, Thanks Lorelei!
Was able to help me understand my homework and how to solve my college algebra math problems.
great tutor, understood the material and presented it in an easy to understand format.
William is a very knowledgeable Tutor in Java, who is also very dependable to students like me, who were really struggling to grasp the college content. He ensured that I was ready to pass the class and he was very available even at short notices. I recommend him!
He was amazing. Since my last structures course. Sadly I didn't get to pass but He was definitely helpful
Awesome! Smart and knowledgeable