Garrett was very helpful with helping me work through some problems in Discrete Math! Just looking at the problem for a minute, he knew what I was generally what was going on and helped me to see clearly the best way to approach and solve the problem. Very polite and knowledgable. I can’t recommend him highly enough!
Meghan my tutor made a very detailed document on what is hould do a week before taking the SAT, with links to practice exams and to othre very useful information regarding the xam. Thanks a lot
Olvia helped break down information in my weakest topics. I am now getting more comfortable to take the teas exam and she's given me the motivation to continue pushing myself to achieve my education goal.
{not commented yet} The sessions have been going very well. Very happy with the match!
Wonderful tutor.
Mecca is one of the best scientist you will ever met she’s super patient and so smart with an amazing personality thanks so much
literally one of the best tutors I’ve ever had.
Nashwa has been and is EXCELLENT💪❤️ for Peyton!!
Very good. Summer worked well with our daughter. We thank her for her help.
Very supportive, great with communication, works well with helping Breanna.
Very knowledgeable and professional. Alex is helping our daughter with AP Economics. So far, so good. Our daughter has no complaints. Her comfort level with the subject matter has increased.
Thank you Jill for all of your help and support. You are an amazing tutor and I hope I get to work with you again soon.
She was wonderful and sweet. Gianna loved her immediately and gained knowledge in just the first meeting
We've had a couple sessions so far. she is great with my son. she teachers the grade he's currently in so thats perfect.
I cannot express enough gratitude for Lauren, whose exceptional support and guidance helped me achieve my GED. Her dedication and expertise tailored the learning experience to my needs, making it smooth and rewarding. Lauren's patience, positive attitude, and clear explanations kept me motivated throughout the process. With her extensive knowledge and study resources, I faced the exam confidently and passed with flying colors. I wholeheartedly recommend Lauren to anyone seeking academic assistance; her genuine care and passion for teaching make her an outstanding tutor who truly makes a difference in her students' lives.
She helped me in all my problem areas by breaking down difficult concepts and problems for me to understand. Highly recommend her to anyone struggling with statistics!
Izzy Tran is a fantastic tutor! I strongly recommend her to anyone struggling with chemistry.
Best tutor ever. She has the demeaner of a teacher with her approach and patience. She really connected with child.
Jill is incredible! So knowledgeable, caring, and thoughtful. Her work flow complimented my learning style. She was very considerate of the edits she was making and worked very hard with me to ensure that my paper was of the highest quality. My paper would not be where it is without her. She was very insightful and pointed out things about my paper I wouldn't have realized. Thank you Jill!