Our son has experienced a few sessions already with this tutor and so far we are very pleased. She is assisting him with preparing for the ISEE, and we're feeling positive based off the reports. Thanks so much! Update: our son established a great learning relationship with Amia, but we found that meet times were less than the 60 minutes and that scheduling became an issue whereby we had a few sessions to which she did not show.
Zoe is amazing and my daughter loves her. She is a perfect fit for our incoming 9th grader. Looking forward to many more sessions!
A very patient person who's easy to get along with. Has taught me more in one session than the 4 weeks I had been in class.
Noelle has been excellent with my child. She communicates very well and seems to have built a connection with my daughter that I feel is helping her better understand her coursework. Highly recommend!
Great communication in identifying my struggles.
Joseph has been very helpful for me this semester. I saw great improvements in my grades after I started working with him. He is accommodating when it comes to changing times we can meet. I highly recommend Joseph as a tutor.
Sonya is very sweet , we like her very much, she is always very generous with her time, arrive on time , make sure every session is complete as expected. She has her way of communication with my first grader, he like to spend time with her and study with her.
Sonya is very sweet , we like her very much, she is always very generous with her time, arrive on time , make sure every session is complete as expected. She has her way of communication with my first grader, he like to spend time with her and study with her.
Eunice went above and beyond my expectations. She not only knew the material, but she also knew how to communicate it in a way that I could understand. I thought we would only work on problems together, but to my welcome surprise, Eunice went through the concepts with me after she reviewed the lecture notes from my professor. Eunice spent time preparing for our tutoring session and it showed. I believe Eunice did a better job of teaching Chemistry than my professor did. Another thing I appreciated was Eunice took the time to plan when I could get caught up based on how many chapters we were covering. I could not have asked for a better tutor.
She was very sweet and helpful but I dropped my anatomy class
She was very sweet but I dropped my anatomy class
He breaks every subject down and reviews all questions and answers well before moving on very helpful.
{not commented yet} Olivia has been tutoring my daughter in chemistry since Jan 2023. Olivia is very patient, very knowledgable and made sure that my daughter understands the material she is taught. Once my daughter comprehends the current material Olivia well teach new material moving forward so my daughter can stay ahead. My daughter and I are very happy with Olivia and highly recommend her.
We liked him very much. My daughter thought he was easy to work with and very helpful.
Great Lessons, very patient and thorough in his lessons and guidance
Mr. Rao is very good at teaching. And he pays attention to my needs and is personable. I highly recommend him to other students.
Anjali is a joy to work with. She is patient when I don't get something and is always ready to help. She has helped me with various different subjects and it isn't awkward to learn from her. She always explains things thoroughly.
I had a super helpful first tutoring session. He was very knowledgable of the material and broke it down in a way that made sense to me. Booked another session for this Thursday!
Very Helpful!
Pleasent and Understanding