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Fun Facts

I am passionate about music. It inspires and changes your mood. I love to listen to it. I love to play the piano. I love to dance - and I happen to be quite good at it. In fact, I was once asked to partner with a professional! How can anyone ignore an upbeat?!

About Me

First and foremost I am a mother. As a mother I understand the importance and value of successful academia! I recently returned to school to finish my degree after a 20 year hiatus. My major is in communications. I love that communication is vital to all aspects of life; I love that effective communication can change any type of relationship; I love that I can use the concepts and skills I am learning right now - they have real world and immediate application.


As a mother of 3 children, I know and understand each individual child's needs and can tailor an approach that fits those needs. Additionally, between volunteer work and with 20 years work experience behind me, I understand a myriad of dynamics and have atypical skills that will benefit any individual's academic success.


I believe in empowerment. With the right tools any person can be successful. There is substantial merit to the proverb: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Of course, this has to be done in positive and encouraging ways since as a tutor you are helping not only to shape their academic career, but also their minds and spirits.

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Associate of Science in Communications

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Communication Tutoring

I have a broad communications background ranging from interpersonal to organizational to theory to media and so forth. I grasp complex theories and concepts and can help others understand them by breaking them out into smaller, identifiable and applicable pieces.

English Tutoring

I excel in English. Comprehension includes vocabulary, spelling, advanced sentence structure and grammar. I know what a comma splice is and when to use it. I can teach the same in simplified or complex terms depending on the student's needs.

Political Science Tutoring

I've been studying political science for over 20 years. I can help a student with the study of governments, understanding political behaviors and political processes, and comparing political systems and public policies. These are basic and yet intricate aspects of political science.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Reading should be enjoyable. I can help a student of any age develop a love of reading. This is achieved by determining effective strategies and exercises tailored to each individual that typically results in not only greater comprehension, but also speed and fluency.

Writing Tutoring

Writing is an essential skill for life. I review basic understanding of grammar, punctuation, usage and spelling. In addition, the main focus will be on developing paragraphs, organizing ideas and using transitional terms effectively for fluidity and comprehension.

Writing Advance Tutoring

In advanced writing, I review basic understanding of grammar, punctuation, usage and spelling, as well as paragraph development, organization and transition. I provide exercises and strategies in strengthening critical thinking, research and explore a variety of writing genres.

AP English Tutoring

Depending on the student's coursework, I can emphasize skills in analytic, argumentative and rhetorical writing or in reading, analyzing and writing about literature - or a combination of both.

AP History Tutoring

For AP History, I emphasize a student’s ability to apply historical thinking skills as s/he learns about the past. Students should reason over the continuity and/or change of historical events and make comparisons as appropriate. I employ strategies and exercises that connect the past to the present demonstrating its continuous relevance.

French Tutoring

In French, I work on enhancing the teacher’s objectives. These typically include the development of speaking, reading and writing familiar words, phrases, short sentences, and basic questions along with cultural awareness. Being proficient in French since HS myself, I can utilize techniques and provide tips to help any student gain a better grasp of the language and its regular, consistent use.

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