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Valeria R.
Certified College Tutor  
University of New Mexico
Test Prep

Fun Facts

I can't get enough sunshine! Growing up in a small town in Colorado has made me love anything that involves snow. I love exploring the mountains- whether it'd be on a snowboard or running shoes. Nothing beats lying down under a starry night and drinking the wild mountain air.

About Me

I graduated summa cum laude from the University of New Mexico where I earned a BS in Biochemistry. I have experience working in a lab as I did research in the physics department. In fact, through the biochemistry department I earned the Outstanding Research award in 2015. I attended Battle Mountain High School in Colorado where I became the first English-Second-Language valedictorian. I also earned the AP Scholar with Distinction Award through CollegeBoard.


I am a certified level II albuquerque">tutor by the College Reading and Learning Association. I was the physics Supplemental Instruction Leader for the Center for Academic Program Support at the University of New Mexico. I designed sessions to help students understand the material covered in class. I also answered questions and privately tutored physics. Additionally, i was the teacher assistant for Intensive Biochemistry.


I believe everybody has the ability to learn but that does not mean we all have the same learning styles. My approach to albuquerque">tutoring is to keep a positive attitude, ask the right questions and build confidence. As albuquerque">tutor, it is my job to not only teach the content but to also teach the student how to arrive to the answer. I do this by asking them guiding questions. I also ask questions that target different angles of the concept so that students can demonstrate mastery and build confidence.

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University of New Mexico


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