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Kathleen B.
Freelance Mathematics & Writing Tutor 
University of Arizona

Fun Facts

I play tennis and participate in slam poetry. I enjoy reading, cooking, and working out.

About Me

I am a junior in college studying Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Mathematics at the University of Arizona. I am a National Merit Hispanic Scholar and intended to attend graduate school for Theoretical Ecology. I have 4 years experience tutoring in mathematics (trigonometry, algebra, geometry, precalculus, and caucus I & II) as well as in writing and English.


4+ years tutoring various levels of mathematics
Recommenced for on-campus tutoring from both math and English professors
2+ years tutoring in writing and English
1 years grading/teaching agriculture & engineering class with heavy emphasis in scientific writing


My method of tutoring for mathematics involves a lot of repetition and talking through problems. I like to discuss the methods and reasoning behind the problems. I believe talking through problems helps cement the rationale behind problems.
My tutoring in English and writing involves analyzing concepts and ideas to convey them in a concise and direct manner.

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University of Arizona

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

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Calculus I Tutoring

Received initial grade of C. Retook class second time and received grade of B. Began tutoring for Dorrance Scholarship after retaking course.

Calculus 2 Tutoring

Received initial grade of C. Retook class second time and received grade of B. Began tutoring for Dorrance Scholarship after retaking course.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

Received A in high school. Currently tutor in this subject. All students have completed class with C or higher.

Trigonometry Tutoring

Received A in high school. Currently tutor in this subject. All students have completed class with C or higher.

Algebra Tutoring

Received A in high school. Currently tutor in this subject. All students have completed class with C or higher.

Calculus Tutoring

Received initial grade of C. Retook class second time and received grade of B. Began tutoring for Dorrance Scholarship after retaking course.

Calculus AP Tutoring

Received initial grade of C. Retook class second time and received grade of B. Began tutoring for Dorrance Scholarship after retaking course.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Received A in high school. Currently tutor in this subject. All students have completed class with C or higher.

English Tutoring

Long history of excellence in English. Active in slam poetry circuit and active fiction writing. Consist A's in high school and college. Recommended for tutor status by college professor.

Writing Tutoring

Long history of excellence in English. Active in slam poetry circuit and active fiction writing. Consist A's in high school and college. Recommended for tutor status by college professor.

Writing Advance Tutoring

Long history of excellence in English. Active in slam poetry circuit and active fiction writing. Consist A's in high school and college. Recommended for tutor status by college professor.

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