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Fun Facts

I have been a space nerd since I was a kid! I tried engineering after college but was disheartened by how little contact I had with others as an engineer intern. However my friends who are engineers and interns will tell you that I never get bored of asking them to elaborate about their contributions to space science.

About Me

I grew up in California but have lived in the land of enchantment for 9 years. I graduated from the University of New Mexico in 2015 and have been a math tutor since 2014. Although I am soccer fan I do enjoy a good board game and find scrabble to just as engaging as a San Jose Earthquakes match. I have a passion for meeting new people and having new experiences in interesting places. I like to spend my free time dreaming about and saving up for traveling.


I have now 3+ years tutoring math for pay and a lifetime of helping friends, family and members of my community develop their math literacy free of charge. I have NCA certification level 2


I believe that every tutee requires a unique and specialized approach to their education. I believe in teaching foundations through example, trial and error while modulating the details of lectures and lessons for each student and tutee.

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University of New Mexico


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Advance Statistics Tutoring

In college I took this subject. I received at least a B in this subject. Since college (or during) I have tutoring this subject with at least one student on multiple occasions.

Calculus I Tutoring

In college I took this subject. I received at least a B in this subject. Since college (or during) I have tutoring this subject with at least one student on multiple occasions.

Calculus 2 Tutoring

In college I took this subject. I received at least a B in this subject. Since college (or during) I have tutoring this subject with at least one student on multiple occasions.

Calculus 3 Tutoring

In college I took this subject. I received at least a B in this subject. Since college (or during) I have tutoring this subject with at least one student on multiple occasions.

College Algebra Tutoring

In college I took this subject. I received at least a B in this subject. Since college (or during) I have tutoring this subject with at least one student on multiple occasions.

Elementary Statistics Tutoring

In college I took this subject. I received at least a B in this subject. Since college (or during) I have tutoring this subject with at least one student on multiple occasions.

Algebra Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Algebra II Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

AP Statistics Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Calculus Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Calculus AP Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Geography Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Geometry Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I was not always good with homework. It took a lot of trial and error to cultivate self study techniques. I always look forward to sharing those techniques with others.

Math Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Math Advance Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Physics Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

SAT Math Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Science Tutoring

I've loved science since I can remember. I excelled at this course during all stages of my education especially high school. Being a life long learner has helped me understand a broader experience of learning science.

Statistics Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Writing Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I've studied this subject extensively. Though it was easy enough to learn during college during learning this subject did not happen for me during high school. Having the opportunity to self study this subject and learn it for college makes me especially qualified to teach it to a struggling high school student.

ACT Math Tutoring

I took the SAT but the ACT Math is still just math. I've had to teach middle school level math in the past and tutor middle schoolers. All in all I have learned a lot of techniques for comprehending and answering math questions under pressure.

STAAR Math Tutoring

I can teach for any math test.

C Tutoring

I took a C class in college for which I received an 'A'.

Java Tutoring

I took a Java class in college for which I received an 'A' and have written games in Java

MATLAB Tutoring

I have written various programs in Java for classes, internships, and for fun.

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

Excel is an indispensable tool even if you have programming skills, especially pivot tables.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

I was raised on Microsoft Word. It was probably the first computer program i used besides solitaire.

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