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Harminder G.
Professor Harminder Gill 
University of California, Riverside

Fun Facts

Past Adjunct Chemistry Professor/Public Speaker/Clarinetist

Excellent Verbal Skills of the English Language, Organization, Reading, Writing, Art, Exercise, Yoga, Cosmetics, Birds, Amusement Parks, American Music, Cinema, Performing Arts, Drum & Bugle Corps, Video Games, Board Games, Puzzles, Comedy Shows, Water Conservation Gardens, The Beach, The Mall, Comics, Jokes, Nature, Science, Science Fiction, Electronics, Technology, Research,

About Me

Plenty of my past students have done exceptionally well including one who got accepted to the University of California, Santa Barbara, another one who got accepted to Loma Linda School of Pharmacy, another one who got accepted to Loma Linda Physician Assistant Program, a past Fire Fighter/EMT who got two consecutive straight A's in her organic chemistry classes, another student who got accepted to the University of North Carolina, another student who got accepted to a finance program, another student who got accepted to a National Cyber Security Program, another student who got accepted to the U.S. Air Force, a student who became State Military Commander in California, and many high scores on standardized tests used for admission to universities and training academies.


Past Adjunct Professor at Many Community Colleges
Close to 17 years of teaching experience


A Wide Variety of Methodology is Always Being Researched On Behalf of Student Learning Styles and Subject Matter Competence

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University of California, Riverside

Biological Chemistry: Chemistry Emphasis

University of California--Davis

Organic Chemistry

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Adobe Flash Tutoring

I've worked with this program on my own during my spare time.

Physics Tutoring

I took a course in physics at the university level, and I have also tutored this subject in the past with different clients.

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