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Spencer O.
Verified Tutor near Salt Lake City, UT 
University of Utah
Elementary School
Test Prep

Fun Facts

I love to do problem solving, i can solve a Rubik's cube in less than a minute. I come from a big family I have 10 brothers and sisters. I like music, I like playing the piano. I also like playing video games.

About Me

I go to school at the University of Utah. I am majoring in Electrical Engineering and I am a sophomore. I hope to eventually graduate from the University of Utah with a bachelors degree and then find a job in electrical engineering.

Although I don't have any professional tutoring experience, I have had lot's of experience helping people with their homework whenever they need it. I have a big family and I have always helped my sisters with their math homework when and they always said that it has helped them. I've also always enjoyed helping people in my classes when they had a question or if they didn't understand something. I've also had many opportunities outside of school to help people with their math homework.

I think that the best way to help someone with a problem is to guide them through and make sure they understand the process, not just make sure they have the right answer. That way they really understand how to do the problem and then they could do problems similar to that one on their own. I think it's important that they know the process so that they're actually solving the problem, that way they can use what they learned and apply it to real life situation.

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