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Homeschooling from an Insider's Perspective
We are all familiar with the stereotypical homeschooler: a student who goes to the park for P.E. and probably goes to school in pajamas, a privilege he is usually envied for. Over the past few years,...
4 Key Ways to Stay on Track to Improve Grades
is overwhelming when you know you have a load of work to do throughout the
week, I would know with 4 sciences classes and I often have several papers to
write and have tests to overcome. But...
Why Math is Important for Every Student, No Matter the Major!
Math. The
topic usually brings about mixed responses from both students and parents. The
majority of students say, "I'm not good at Math!" or "I don't
need it for...
7 Tips for Your College Freshman Year
Starting college can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be if you have the right mindset. Follow the following steps if you want to be able to stay calm, focus on your goals, and have a fun time...
The Mindset of a Successful Student
Isn't life already hard enough? Especially for
a pubescent teenager who does not yet have a fully developed brain? Having to
navigate the minefield of social circles, extracurricular activities,...
Reading Beyond the Classroom
When a person thinks of reading, there's usually a response of dismay attached. This response is usually obtained because the idea of a book is accompanied with a thick paperback of 1000+ pages. Yet,...
Reasons I Love Chemistry Tutoring
I first took a chemistry class in tenth grade. It was an introductory Honors Chemistry course and I will admit I struggled. Many of the topics seemed very abstract and were extremely difficult...
Why I Teach
an idea is common, acting upon that idea is occasional. Many teachers have an
idea of what kind of teacher they are or the one they hope to become. As stated
in the film Fury about World...